Win or Each-Way Betting

Racing tournaments at TopBetta are a lot of fun, but to win on a regular basis you need to think about how you bet and adding some tournament betting strategies to your repertoire.

One factor to consider in racing tournaments is whether you should be betting the win, the place or each way?

Casual racing punters may not even think of this as a consideration. They are just so used to either backing horses on the nose at their favourite sportsbook, or taking an each-way bet regardless of the odds, as that’s just how they are used to betting.

While there is no right or wrong way to bet in racing tournaments, by opening up your game to being more flexible with your betting patterns, you’ll start to see better results.

Win bets are a great way to maximise your returns and jump up the tournament leaderboard quickly. Backing a horse on the nose to win may seem an aggressive play, but to win the tournament, you must have the most money at the end of the day, and so a win bet is the best way to achieve that. If you have a strong tip, or a best bet for the day, we recommend going hard at it with a strong win bet.

One excellent tournament strategy is to split win bets across multiple horses. This way you are still getting good odds, but you’re covering multiple horses to reduce your risk. This is a great play if you have already built up a small bank and want to make a strong play to get amongst the tournament leaders.

Another strategy to reduce risk is the each-way bet. You’ll get the benefits of the win bet, with the safety net of a place bet. The problem with these bets is unless your horse is at juicy odds, then your place bet may only just cover your win bet for close to break-even result which doesn’t help you much in a tournament. Don’t fall into the trap of each-way bets on short-priced favourites as your place return will be minimal and if the horse doesn’t win, your place bet will give you a net loss overall anyway.

If you’re not sure if a horse can win, then a better method for tournaments is to just go for it as a place bet. That way you’re using your entire bank on the same outcome. Even if it’s a short-priced favourite, and even if it runs third, you’re still banking a profit, unlike an each-way bet. Some punters like to play exclusively with place bets, looking for wide, value runners to place in order to jump up the tournament leaderboard.

The place bet is also very effective as the final play of the tournament. If the leaderboard is a logjam then a place bet can give you something different to stand out from the crowd. Your bet is unlikely to be blocked by another player and if there’s a crazy upset, your place bet could still land while everyone else is wiped out. The place bet is an effective, and sometimes creative, way to play TopBetta tournaments.

There is certainly room for win, each-way and place betting in TopBetta tournaments. Finding the right bet is determined largely by the odds of the horse, the stage of the tournament and the leaderboard. Whichever bet you choose to make, just make sure you do it with confidence!!

TopBetta tournaments